Donate to protect human rights for people on return to the UK

We want to ensure people who return to the UK have somewhere safe to stay and have the opportunity to start a new life.

People returning to the UK from prison overseas are at the greatest risk of street homelessness and destitution. Our crisis service helps them to access accommodation, first of all temporary and later permanent, and access to the welfare system for benefits and healthcare, specialist training and employment services.

This is crucial work with a particularly vulnerable and marginalised group of people to keep them off the street and provide them with the opportunities to change their lives. 

Anne left family behind in the US when she returned to the UK. We helped her find her feet and to resettle somewhere that was unfamiliar to her, without her loved ones around her. 

Can you help people like Anne to push through the challenges of deportation and give people hope when they most need it?

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